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3 6 0° T O U R S
Key Benefits of Our 360-Degree Virtual Tours:
Increase in Bookings: Our immersive tours are proven to significantly boost guest interest and booking rates.
Unmatched Guest Pre-Experience: Provide a visually stunning preview of what guests can expect, heightening their anticipation and desire to visit.
Highlighting Unique Resort Features: Elevate your resort's appeal by showcasing its exclusive amenities and experiences in vivid detail.
“Virtual Tours Help Double Interest In Business”
”Virtual tours keep people looking at a website 5 to 10 times longer.”
– Scientifically proven benefits / / more arguments for 360° Panoramas on your booking.com lisiting
360° Pictures of your location - floor and arial Footage!
for immersive transparent viewing for potential costumers for booking.com (and other listing sites that can show 360° PanoramasVirtual interactive Tour for your website.
easily embed a code to to let visitors of your website walk through your location with information along the wayHigh Quality, retouched, edited, color corrected Pictures
CleanUp: No tripod, no faces, not any unwanted stuff in your picture.
Highresolution: Ability to zoom into the pictures (Drone 33mp / 360° Cam: 18mp)Guarantee of successful implementation on your listings/websites
Only pay us when it works
360° Package of 360° Tour:
how you want: we do it alone, with you or with your team
what do we want to be captured
your location: rooms, areas, POIs,
surroundings: lets not limit us to your location. Show the potential costumers what is around to experience
when do we capture?
finding a date and time of day that suits you.
timing it wisely with guests, season, time of day, weather etc.
arranging the surroundings, locations, rooms, areas, POIs in a professional and attractive way.
walking through the locations and capturing the photos with the 360°cam
optional also arial 360° Photos with Drone
retouch, cut, content aware fill, no faces, no unwanted stuff – working with your feedback
putting it in an 3D Builder for a click through tour - adding information, animations, sunflares etc.
we do not only provide the footage but help you upload it correctly and stress free on your listings/websites
only if it works successfully online you pay us.
informations in the Panoramas may change. Certain pictures need to be deleted. Whatever happens – we are still there to take action
if you are interested in our 360° Solutions
we would highly appreciate an answer.